Timothy Hedges

Sales Manager Sebastopol Office
License #01368460

6790 Mckinley street,Sebastopol

Whether you are a buyer or a seller, we have a network of relationships that we can leverage to help you find what you want.
The Hedges · Davis Group at Vanguard Properties specializes in unique luxury properties & building client relationships.
For Timothy Hedges, it was love at first sight. “It” is Sonoma County, and their relationship began soon after Timothy earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and accepted a job teaching at Caritas Creek, an outdoor school located in west Sonoma County. There, over a period of three years, he developed a deep and enduring appreciation for Sonoma’s lush vineyards, dense forests, scenic rivers, creeks, and coastline. Except for a brief period teaching high school in his native Berkeley and a year learning the real estate “ropes” from his father, Timothy has called Sonoma County home ever since.
The opportunity to practice real estate in ways that reflect his values and those of his teammates and the broader Sonoma community is one reason why he founded The Hedges · Davis Group under the Vanguard Properties banner in 2013. It’s an approach that has been successful for Timothy over the course of managing more than 1,000 real estate transactions totaling more than $700 million in sales volume.
One of the biggest reasons for our success is our very personal approach,” Timothy explains. “For example, we believe in meeting face-to-face before we ever look at properties. At this meeting, we thoroughly go through the needs of the client and establish a close relationship. While we have all the technological resources at our disposal, deep down our experience has been that a personal relationship with the client is No. 1. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, we have a network of relationships that we can leverage to help you find what you want.”
A resident of Sebastopol with his wife, Camille, and children Makenna and Zephyrus, Timothy is active in the Waldorf School community, is a past president of the board of the Sebastopol Chapter of Realtors®, 2014 president of the North Bay Association of Realtors®, and a director of the California Association of Realtors®. He also is a past board member of the Sebastopol Chamber of Commerce.
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